The New Facebook Profile: Timeline
Timeline is a radical departure from previous versions of the Facebook user profile. The most prominent feature is the addition of a cover photo at the top of the page. Users can change this to whatever they'd like it to be.
More of the new Timeline
Changing Settings
Some of the new Timeline's customization features.
Friends in the New Timeline
Here's what the Friends page looks like.
Photos in the Timeline
Here's how photos are displayed in the Timeline.
Facebook has added a feature that lets you see where you have visited. This is powered by Facebook Places.
Timeline Interface
The Timeline is a two-column interface with top photos, status updates, friends and more.
Being Born
You can even add a picture and context to your birth, which starts the Timeline.
In 1987, my sister was born. Facebook knows these life events and includes them in your timeline.
Getting Married
You can add life events, such as getting married, to your profile through the Publisher Bar. You can also announce that you broke a bone, got a new job, etc.