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How to Make a Zombie

Smaller Layout of Life


A huge model of Russia
"Grand model" - is a huge model of Russia. Many say that this is all nonsense, that does not look like a drop of Russia. In fact, these people are just straight thinking. This is really an accurate model of Russia - the layout structure of life and life in Russia, not a smaller version. See for yourself.

Facebook Timeline: Now Available Worldwide

We recently announced our plans to introduce Facebook Timeline, an entirely new kind of profile.

Timeline gives you an easy way to rediscover the things you shared, and collect your most important moments. It also lets you share new experiences, like the music you listen to or the miles you run.

Starting today, timeline is now available everywhere. Here are some tips to help you get started.

7-day review period

When you upgrade to timeline, you'll have seven days to review everything that appears on your timeline before anyone else can see it. You can also choose to publish your timeline at any time during the review period. If you decide to wait, your timeline will go live automatically after seven days. Your new timeline will replace your profile, but all your stories and photos will still be there.

If you want to see how your timeline appears to other people, click the gear menu at the top of your timeline, and select "View As." You can choose to see how your timeline appears to a specific friend or the public.

Feature or hide stories

As you explore your timeline, you may see stories that you want to feature, like your graduation or the day you bought your first car. There might also be stuff that you want to remove or hide from your timeline.

To feature something on your timeline, roll over the story and click the star to expand it to two columns. Or you can click the pencil to hide, delete or edit a post.

Use the privacy dropdown to adjust who can see any of your posts. You can even select "Only Me" for posts you want to keep but don't want others to see.

See all your activity

With timeline, now you have access to a new tool called Activity Log. Your activity log is a place where you can review all your posts and activity, from today back to when you first started using Facebook. Only you can see your activity log.

You'll see two dropdown menus next to each story in your activity log. The first lets you see and adjust the privacy of a post. The second lets you decide if you want the post to appear on your timeline. You can feature, hide or delete any of your posts.

To quickly find a certain type of story, click the "All" dropdown at the top of your activity log and select what you're looking for. For example, you can choose to see only photos or posts from apps.

Get timeline today

To get timeline, simply go to the Introducing Timeline and click "Get It Now." Or you can wait until you see an announcement at the top of your profile.

Starting today, timeline will also be available on Android and

Types Of Love



Based on different types of love present in the society, love has been given numerous names. An attempt to put down different types of love in psychology has been made in this article. Eros, Storge, Pragma, Agape, Ludus and Mania are the six different types of love that are known by the intensity and intent of how we love someone. 

Eros- The Passionate Love


Perhaps, this is the most evident form of love, that we all have experienced in our lives, at some point or the other. Eros, as the name suggests is a type of love, in which the desire, physical attraction, physical appearance and romance is given the top priority. Since eros is mostly an erotic feeling, there are higher levels of passion and physical intimacy. 

Physical attraction can be at peak but in the long run, it fades owing to over importance of physical aspects of the relationship. People who love this way are very charged up, emotional and gung ho about their relationship initially but it fades as time passes. 

Storge- An Emotional Bonding 


Storge love is the familial love, we experience in our society. The love of our parents and siblings is what constitutes storge love. It is beautiful to experience family bonding and lucky are the people who have families. A baby and a mother share an amazing love, that can be read in the their eyes. A deep and abiding affection is something that comes from deep family relationships. When extended to love between couples, storge love focuses on building compassionate, caring and emotional bonding with the couple. 

Pragma- The Need Based Love 


Amongst, different types of love, pragma love focuses more on needs and wants, educational qualifications, professions, income, social status, common hobbies, parental possessions, material belongings of the respective partners. The main focus in this type of love is on needs. If everything adjusts to the partners needs, he or she seems to be satisfied, with the partner. 

Agape- The Divine Love


This is perhaps the most divine and highest level of love; understanding which requires a compassionate heart. Agape is one of the different types of love in Greek, is considered to be the purest form of love. It promotes brotherly feeling and love for each other. In fact, it is exactly what all religions have been trying to teach us. 

Ludus- The Euphoric Love


Lover's who have the tendency of being in romantic relationships for sometime and give it up, after initial euphoria of thrill and enjoyment is over, are said to be in Ludus form of love. A ludus lover does not work for long term commitments but short term goals and objectives. 



Mania- Obsessive Love 


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